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Foto: Halvor Heggem
Passion for nature and sustainability
Invertapro produserer svart soldatfluelaver
Hjå Invertapro produserar me svart soldatflue (Hermetia Illucens) larver på lokalt restavfall frå frukt og grønt produksjon.
Centrally located in Voss
As a central point in western Norway, Voss has good access to local raw materials from agriculture and the food industry.
Soon a biogas plant will open, which receives food resources from Voss, Hardanger and the entire Bergen region. A common sorting facility will give Invertapro unique access to raw material for the larvae.
Voss is also an attraction for outdoor enthusiasts, and keeps many of our employees engaged.


Alexander Solstad Ringheim (NO)
Economist / Environmental Scientists (MSc)

Trude Tronerud Andersen (NO)
Business Administration (MEc)

Lukas van der Horst (NL)
Environmental Scientist (MSc)

Nicolas Causannel (FR)
Mechanical Engineer (ME)

Jakob Irgens Blakstad (NO)
Biotechnologist (Msc)

GIuseppe Russo (IT)
Biotechnologist (MSc)
Kristin Røen Fauske (NO)
Nutritionist (MSc, PhD)

Kenneth Fjellanger (NO)
Production worker

Tore Isungset Støve (NO)
Projects and communication
Political scientist (BA)

Juno (NO)
CMO - Chief Motivation Officer
Want to join our team?

Jon Grønsberg (NO)
CEO Indre Hordaland Miljøverk (IHM).

Asgeir Løno (NO)
CFO Kitemill. Civil economist / Auditor. Experience from Sparebanken Vest and PWC.

Jon Gjerde (NO)
Co-founder. Experience with early-stage companies.

Magni Haugland (NO)
Represents VIS - Vestlandets Innovasjonsselskap AS.

Bård Gulltvedt (NO)
Represents Norgesgruppen.
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